Are my bravo 3 props aligned correctly

I have had my boat 2008 Rinker 260EC w/ 350 MPI and bravo 3 leg 2.20.1 ratio, a short period time and I have found it not hitting wide open throttle. The last time i had the boat empty when I bought it I held it WOT and no alarm came up, but remember about 5700rpm and almost 40-43MPH.
When I purchased the boat from a marine dealer I had new plugs and wires installed, fresh oils were done as well as an inspection.
Now that I have loaded the boat with gear, 60 liters water, 300 liters fuel, beer and gear, food etc. It has taken at least 30 seconds to come on plane and one time it didn't want to plane and didn't feel like it was going to full throttle either. I had to turn across wind to come to get it to plane.
So this last weekend, I gave her a good run at a steady speed 27mph and held it at 4400-4600rpm for 1hr50min and traveled approx 47miles down the lake. When I stopped my gauge said I burned 3/4 of a tank so I have a few questions.
Are my props aligned?
When I'm trying to slow down to a slow plane at 23mph the rpms slowly drop off and the a$$ end drops off plane?
- even with trim tabs down and it starts to push water and me trimming the leg up a bit too.
If anyone can help as I haven't had a boat this large before with some mariner tricks of the trade.

When I purchased the boat from a marine dealer I had new plugs and wires installed, fresh oils were done as well as an inspection.
Now that I have loaded the boat with gear, 60 liters water, 300 liters fuel, beer and gear, food etc. It has taken at least 30 seconds to come on plane and one time it didn't want to plane and didn't feel like it was going to full throttle either. I had to turn across wind to come to get it to plane.
So this last weekend, I gave her a good run at a steady speed 27mph and held it at 4400-4600rpm for 1hr50min and traveled approx 47miles down the lake. When I stopped my gauge said I burned 3/4 of a tank so I have a few questions.
Are my props aligned?
When I'm trying to slow down to a slow plane at 23mph the rpms slowly drop off and the a$$ end drops off plane?
- even with trim tabs down and it starts to push water and me trimming the leg up a bit too.
If anyone can help as I haven't had a boat this large before with some mariner tricks of the trade.

Post edited by raybo3 on
Prop misalignment hurts performance, but probably not enough to keep you from planing properly. See this discussion on prop alignment:
When launching: trim the leg all the way down, tabs all the way down, go smoothly to full throttle. After you are up, reduce throttle and bring the tabs up, then adjust tabs and trim as needed.
The problems you are describing sound more like bottom fouling.
My boat comes out of the water and trailered, the only place there is a bit of left over fouling is in the middle of the haul under about a 12" wide where they didn't spray it off as its between the bunks on the trailer.
Since it the end of the season now and the boat is out of the water, I'll refer to your link and check one more time to see if these are timed and go from there.
Another quick question? Have you experienced your boat burn oil and is it usual with to be below the add line after 50 hours of use?
My boat now has 865hrs on her and runs merc synthetic oil, when should a person rebuild engine?
There is no special timing of the props. Service manuals for engines and drives are available from local dealers or by calling our Publications Department at 920-929-5040, option #4. Have your serial number ready when ordering.
MerCruiser Consumer Support
My mechanic is a certified MerCruiser tech and he has never heard of "alignment or timing" either......... Just say'n
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I had new plugs put in before i bought it and they also did a compression check too! they said it was between 140-160.
I will have to check the plugs and see what they are doing and do you have anything to add about what i should look for as I have only checked plugs in my sled, golden broken was good from what i remember