Using Engine Water Pump to draw antifreeze into engine

If you warmed up the engine to get the t-stat opened, then connected 5 gal container of antifreeze to a hose connected to the water **** on the lower unit....wouldn't that draw and introduce the antifreeze fluid to ALL parts and hoses? This would eliminate the need to pull all the drain plugs and hoses as is seen on most help theory, you should be left with the antifreeze in all the places water is normally found... Thoughts? 1989 Captiva 186 w 4.3 Alpha 1
Thank you,
Camco Do It Yourself Boat Winterizer- Quickly Winterize Marine Engines, Allows Flushing and Preparation of Boat Engine for Winter Storage (65501)
Go Steelers!!!
Sorry, couldn’t resist!!
Must be because your thermostats were removed, no restriction.
What Al is saying, if you flush your engines with fresh water, pull plugs, then flush with pink, pull plugs out again, you are good to go. Nothing left in there to freeze (maybe a tad of pink in low lying areas, but room to expand). Still very simple.
@LaRea How can someone that does all that to the engine room, not do their own winterizing?
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Also, I usually winterize so late that the weather has already turned cold and miserable, so I'm glad to have him do it. You are winterizing too early! We have another month of boating left.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express