did some fixin on the 276BR

Did some fixin on the boat today, replaced all the speakers, most of the factory clarion speakers were broken and cracked up. replaced the batteries. found the batteries bad when i went to lift the rear hatch, tried using the hatch bypass studs but they didnt work, so when wife and I had to manually lift the engine hatch (who needs a Gym if you do that all the time!) While replacing the batteries I ran a commercial type jumper cable system with quick disconnects the kind tow trucks use and ran the cable connector up and behind the rear battery switch panel, so IF i ever need a jump 4 screws to access the quick disconnect and bingo there ya go, also will help if battery goes dead again but have a noco genius battery tender on her now.Replaced all the cockpit lights with green LED's and it looks awesome at night. still working on more stuff but steady as she goes....next project trying to install a remote sterndrive switch to lower/raise sterndrive from the rear, it was easy to do with my mercury set ups not so sure on the volvo penta set up yet...