342 Transom hull-deck joint

Has anyone heard of water intrusion through the hull-deck joint on the transom while underway?  If so, what would be the remedy?  I'm extremely hesitant to remove the entire swim platform to re-seal the joint for what is a minor intrusion.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.


  • GrahamuGrahamu Member Posts: 881 ✭✭✭
    The Hull/Deck joint on the transom is way above the waterline, not sure what you are referring to.
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’ve heard of the rub rail screws needing to be resealed.
    2008 330EC
  • BoatruptcyBoatruptcy Member Posts: 15
    Grahamu said:
    The Hull/Deck joint on the transom is way above the waterline, not sure what you are referring to.
    I agree and need to do some more investigation.  Not sure if it is from backwash when slowing or when the bow rises before planning. Will get in the engine compartment while someone is driving and take a look.
  • BoatruptcyBoatruptcy Member Posts: 15
    Alswagg said:
    Yes I have seen this many times.  Remove the swim platform, remove the crumbling sealant. Reseal with 3M 5200     Reinstall swimplatform and seal each bolt as needed. Used 3M 4200     Finish seal any visible areas with 3M 4000 which is uv stable 
    Thanks Alswagg.  Is there a risk of damaging transom removing swim platform due to adhesive?  No way to seal from engine compartment?
  • BoatruptcyBoatruptcy Member Posts: 15
    Thanks again Alswagg.  Seems like a very large job for something where I have not actually seen any water intrusion myself.  Surveyor said he saw some while doing sea trail in extremely poor conditions, but my bilge has been as dry as a Rinker bilge can be.
  • GrahamuGrahamu Member Posts: 881 ✭✭✭
    Did the surveyor do moisture readings and soundings on the transom?
  • BoatruptcyBoatruptcy Member Posts: 15
    Yes, and I am not aware of any concerns in that regard.
  • GrahamuGrahamu Member Posts: 881 ✭✭✭
    During my repairs last year I did not remove the platform as it is out of the water and no signs of leakage. I did support it and removed the struts, which are in the water, and re-bedded the transom brackets.

  • BoatruptcyBoatruptcy Member Posts: 15
    Thanks Grahamu.  Fortuntely, my 2004 does not have struts so nothing sits in the water, thus there is no opportunity for constant seapage.
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Could the water be coming from the “D” rings? Easy to remove and reseal them.
    2008 330EC
  • davidbrooksdavidbrooks Member Posts: 1,404 ✭✭✭✭
    @Boatruptcy where in Annapolis are you?  If it helps maybe come over and look at my 2003 342 and compare.  I cant imagine the deck joint getting that low to be near the water line.  Even with full tanks i still have room to spare.  Now water could be leaking in around the transom or if you are getting water in from quick stops and it washing over the swim platform i could easily see that.  I swear that i get more water from rain in the engine compartment than i do the bay.
    It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!
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