Rinker Company Archives Destroyed?

kgillkgill Member Posts: 5
I am trying to research the early history of Rinker in order to document my unusual  boat that I think was made by Rinker in Goshen, IN. I used the Rinker contact form to ask about access to old company records, such as might be located in a company archives. 

After a few back and forth messages I was told the company archives have been destroyed! Does anyone have any insight to this, is this true? Sometimes these responses come from a company without any resources to provide regular access, too much of a pain for non business related inquiries. 

Does anyone know if anything remains in the Goshen or Syracuse area? Or local and state museums?

Eager for replies!




  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,096 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Alswagg might have some information for you. He used to work for Rinker. Hopefully he can help some.
    2008 330EC
  • Aqua_AuraAqua_Aura Member Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When I bought my 2007 boat in 2018 Rinker had no information on the HIN and that's when they were in business. I was told back then they didn't keep records that far back. 
    1997 Bayliner 3988
  • kgillkgill Member Posts: 5
    I appreciate this. I met someone at Constantine who knew john but I could get contact info. I was told he was sick.

    I would really like to understand the history of the company, how it was connected with Goshen Churn and Ladder, what was Famous Craft name in all of this. Cant seem to find anything yet.

    And of course the boat in my post!!

  • kgillkgill Member Posts: 5
    Alswagg said:
    I sent a message to John    He is the only one left that might recognize the boat 
    Hi, Any luck yet with John?

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