I am working in a new collapsing backrest for my bow lounger. See the following pics and if you have any idea. please let me know. Marry christmas to everybody.
Yep same idea but I used starboard triangles as support instead of tubing.
I designed it so that in total the thickness was right around 1" (thickness of the 2 1/2" pieces of Starboard plus the hinge displacement).
I also replaced the foam in the sternmost cushion with foam 1” thinner to allow for the Starboard. This way, the backrest isn't noticeable when down.
@oscar1 one comment on your design - you have the hinges attaching directly to the deck. I attached the hinges to a small piece of starboard which I then screwed into the deck as I felt this would be stronger and easier to install.
I installed the hinges directly to the deck, because it is a removal hinges and it small footprint on deck, plus The admiral don't want to keep the backrest permanently. she love the big picture window in the bow (a lot of sun light). Work in progress.
The following are going to be the back support, which it can also be remove and only the base is going to be keep on deck for small foot print, plus soft to the feet. I am almost there with this project. Merry Christmas to my fellows boating freinds
Aero3113, I really appreciate your consent about my four leg Son. he is doing great, the surgery was a succesfully and his recover has being outstanding. he can run now, but the best part it is went i can see him standing on his bad leg pissing. we are very happy about it. One more time appreciate you remember about him.
I designed it so that in total the thickness was right around 1" (thickness of the 2 1/2" pieces of Starboard plus the hinge displacement).
@oscar1 one comment on your design - you have the hinges attaching directly to the deck. I attached the hinges to a small piece of starboard which I then screwed into the deck as I felt this would be stronger and easier to install.
I’ve been meaning to ask you how your pup is doing??