New year, new fault code... Happy New Year!

J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2022 in Non-Boating Related
Wouldn't be a new year without more issues :) starting to get used to it.

Googling it doesn't seem to bring up anything relevant. 

If you missed it, right before Christmas the boat got towed in after a day on the water. 

Turned out to be a fuel pump fuse. 

The fuse have been replaced, but now it comes up with code

3161-16 Idle Air Control Valve "problem when trying to output a signal to this device" 

This valve was replaced 2 years ago, and when it was bad, it wouldn't idle correctly. The difference this time is that it seems to have something to do with the fact that the fuel pump fuse blew and the motor idles perfectly normal.

Anyone ever run into this? Mechanic put me in the schedule for Feb and he's still coming to do a general overhaul/oilchange/inspection...but would love to be able to fix this to use it without a problem for the next 3 weeks! 


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