Has anyone experienced very light white smoke t high revs/28knots. No issues with performance or temperature but not seen it before. Water temp is 9deg and ain’t temp is 6deg so was thinking possible condensation?
I was just taking her out around our local waters to give her a run out. I use her all year around and only take her out of the water for maintenance. The only difference this year is I have put a diesel additive in the tank to stop diesel bug. Today was cold but I have never see it before. Looked like steam/ and only was present at higher revs/ speed.
If I new how to upload a video then I could share the steam/smoke in question if anyone could help ?
Many thanks to all responses as always from you guys
In a car or truck white smoke is almost always antifreeze, usually a bad head gasket leaking into cylinders. Hopefully not the case, but if you have a closed cooling system might be something to look at.
If gas check your pcv grommet seating.
If diesel check your ccv... theyre the same thing just called different names.
With the big delta of temps from internal to external on that engine, it's a recipe for escaping blow by.