Kohler 5EKD generator fuel pump module leaking

I have to replace the fuel pump module($647.59) in my 5EKD because the gasket has small fuel leak, but the module still in great condition, so I wonder what material should be the best to use to make a new gasket to the repair of the fuel pump to keep it as spare part for the future. The original gasket is 1/16" thickness, so should i use the same thickness or go higher to 1/8" for the new gasket. I called Kholer, but they don't t sale any repair part for the pump. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thx.

There is liquid gasket in a tube that might work. Hard to say without feeling the material.
Worth a shot at spending maybe $10 and some time before you drop $600
PC BYC, Holland, MI
PC BYC, Holland, MI