I prefer to report my marine expenses to the Admiral in BUs (Boat units = $100) It seems far less painful and requires less jewelery for the admiral. "HOW much was that new chartplotter!!???" Honey, I got it for $13 (bu)......oh.
Repower w/sterndrive should run only $100-150bu.. See it's easier just like the Treasury counts/prints billion$ and we just watch in a daze @-) Mike
Marooon35 how do you like the way your boat performs?I look at other boats like mine my swim platform is very low compared to others.That thing drives me crazy. Not that i want to spend the 10 -15 k to repower but its cheaper then buying another boat,and then I would still have to sell mine.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Repower w/sterndrive should run only $100-150bu.. See it's easier just like the Treasury counts/prints billion$ and we just watch in a daze @-) Mike