both batteries are new.It starts easily on both batteries when switched over.Also ,both 30 amp fuses are good behind the selector switches.Any ideas? thanks Terry
Not much history of the issue, but starting is pretty simple. Be looking at cable connections to the starter and ground...perhaps a starter issue. Not a mechanic by any stretch but seems I easily found starter checking with a meter. I was able to have mine rebuilt.
Forgot to mention my starter is slab dab on the bottom of the motor and easily wet. Anyway, getting off topic.
And as crazy as it sounds, and not doubting your work, but re-check the connections. I once thought I'd tightened them all but had missed a ground. Test the batteries also, it's rare but not unheard of to get a brand new battery that is faulty.and what @aero3113 said above.
If I recall correctly, the battery selector switch is confusing on the 260. I think, if it's on 1, it means engine runs from battery 1, and house is on 2. It doesn't mean that 2 is off. And both means both 1 and 2 ... and switch position 2 does nothing ...
I'm not 100% sure ... but I know it wasn't obvious, so I'd check out the wiring.
Do you even here the starter trying to turn over (clicking) if it's on 1 or 2? You should here clicking at least ... if not, I'd say you have isolated the batteries from the engine in those switch positions.
Open the panel and check the connection on the back of the selector switch. Sounds like #1 is bad somewhere and you seem to have eliminated the battery and possibly the connections at the battery. The selector switch could be bad internally as well.
On that boat, your switch should say "Off-On-Combine(or Emergency Start)" You should not be able to select 1-both-2 from that switch. If you can, someone replaced the switch with a non factory one.
2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes" Go Steelers!!!
On that boat, your switch should say "Off-On-Combine(or Emergency Start)" You should not be able to select 1-both-2 from that switch. If you can, someone replaced the switch with a non factory one.
Greg, my 2012 260EC had a switch with a 1, 2, off position. I believe it was wired for off, 1, combine ... the normal position was 1, then 2 meant combined. I think Rinker used what they could get their hands on
Forgot to mention my starter is slab dab on the bottom of the motor and easily wet. Anyway, getting off topic.
Test the batteries also, it's rare but not unheard of to get a brand new battery that is faulty.and what @aero3113 said above.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I'm not 100% sure ... but I know it wasn't obvious, so I'd check out the wiring.
Do you even here the starter trying to turn over (clicking) if it's on 1 or 2? You should here clicking at least ... if not, I'd say you have isolated the batteries from the engine in those switch positions.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Go Steelers!!!
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"