Gas spilling back out on my starboard

On my 05 320FV, the starboard side i always gets gas spilling back out when at the marina pump. Had the marina stick the air compressor in the gas vent to blow out any webs and nests. Sometimes it does the trick , but goes back to the same old issue. I notice the other day that I was slowly pumping gas into the starboard side and started to come back out and then a hear a whoosing sound and some gas pushed back out but then I was able to start pumping gas much better into that side . Almost like a vapor lock , I also notice that my fuel gauge changed too . What else can it be or just need to blow more air in the vent?
Takes more than compressed air to get out a dried nest. You're stuck using something metal to break it up. Again, based on location. I suppose dried sand is much easier to clean out than dried clay, it's like concrete.