WOT Issue (No longer a maybe!)

Background: 2019 Rinker MTX20 with a Volvo V6-280-M/SX drive package. I purchased it at the beginning of summer from a dealer that had it stored for over 2 ½ years with a ½ tank of fuel in it. It had 5 hours on it when I got it. It now has 25 hours.
The Story: First weekend with it, all seemed good. Acceleration was incredible, even with 6 people on board. I had to get used to the very sensitive throttle. I had to increase the throttle friction setting a bit which helped. The next weekend is when the trouble started. I did a single WOT throttle run to see max speed. The tach appeared to almost hit 7,000 rpm. I backed off immediately. No rev limiter, no alarms…..strange. A few hours later, I started to get a recurring alarm as previously posted. Getting a Rinda scan tool, the code was SPM 4237 FMI 0 which translates to long term fuel trim high, Bank 1 indicating a lean operating condition. Subsequent investigation found a very loose fuel filter so I suspected fuel aeration as the low pressure pump was also gurgling. Changing out the fuel filter and tightening it up, I did not get the code again. I also reset the fuel trim table so the ECM could relearn. WOT indicated 5800 rpm on the boat’s tach but the speed seemed low (43 mph on GPS). Prop was a stock 14x19 4-blade aluminum. I didn’t think too much of it but it stayed in the back of my mind.
Fast Forward to Yesterday: I got a 14x20 4-blade stainless to try this past weekend. Handling improved dramatically but the top speed did not improve. WOT indicated 5800 rpm on the boat’s tach (same as stock prop). Loading up with 6 teens/adults, we headed out for a day on the water. All seemed to be OK but I found the boat to be sluggish getting on plane while towing. This was not the case on that first weekend while running stock prop. It was able to pop up a skier in no time. Later that day, I went out with my scan tool and did a few WOT runs. Low and behold, the Rinda scan tool showed ~4900 rpm while the boat’s tach showed 5800 rpm. The scan tool also showed max engine load at 86% to 88% regardless of prop. I did not get a chance to verify the switch setting on the tach…next weekend. I did verify full stop to stop operation of the throttle position sensor so cables are OK. Oil pressure, coolant temps and manifold temps are all good according to the ECM and gauges.
So my question is this…..Assuming the tach is wrong (which would explain the 7,000 WOT reading last month) and its really 4900 rpm, what do I do? I did read the thread on another forum regarding low WOT. I suspect fuel issues. I have been filling up with ethanol-free premium gas to flush the system but could there be a partial blockage somewhere due to the 3 year old fuel? Any ideas where? I was thinking of setting up a small tank with regular gas and Sea Foam and feeding the low pressure pump to see if it’s a tank issue or an engine issue. I’ll also change the filter again and look at the contents. I may also pull the main tank fuel pickup and inspect. Is there a socket/screen on the intake?
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
The sluggishness you are experiencing is probably the result of going up 1 inch in pitch on the prop. Your are running a v6, while it may have 280hp it doesn't have huge amounts of torque. You had the boat loaded down with 6 people and gear and that's a bunch to ask from a v6. I would go back to the original 19P prop and call it a day. Rinker put a 19p prop on that boat for a reason.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
It's a Gen V direct injection setup. I've learned that the high pressure side should be 2250 psi at WOT. Thankfully, the scan will show this data.
Low pressure side is running 18 psi. Not sure what the correct spec is.
Still getting intermittent SPN 4237 FMI 0 Long Term Fuel Trim High (lean) Bank 1.
Faria tach is way off and neither Setting 2 (too high) or Setting 3 (too low) work perfectly. Weird...... In any case, WOT way too low. I'm using scan tool rpm reading.
I'm suspecting a dirty/plugged injector(s) due to the 3 year old gas. As mentioned earlier, I'll try a portable tank tomorrow with injector cleaner suitable for DI systems and a new filter.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
Royal Purple injector cleaner (3 gallons of mix).
2019 MTX20 Extreme
How hard is it to change?
2019 MTX20 Extreme
Is your engine exhaust monitored or reconciled via temperature/maf/map and tables alone? There will be o2 sensors of the exhaust is monitored .. that kinda how it's monitored.
If so, you may need to replace them. They're sensitive.
The engine tosses fuel (indicated by high ltft reading as opposed to stft, which is to say of long term maxed the short term is already maxed and it can't feed enough) at the cylinders in attempt to adjust for the lean condition it means the other cylinders were stupid rich. The engine can't discern which cylinder so it spits it at all of them. And guess what that actual rich condition does to o2 sensors? Eats them alive....
But... im thinking it isn't monitored as if it was it would have known it was actually rich not lean... remember, the fuel trim readings are lambda and demonstrate what the engine is doing not whats wrong with it... if it was a high ltft it means the engine was throwing max fuel for a thought lean condition... if it's pulling fuel by pulling pulse (low stft/ltft) it's because it thinks it's rich. When what the tables dictate what's going in and it doesn't reconcile what the o2 reads you get another code altogether- and it's either maf/map depending on the configuration or o2 sensor faults.
There are two bolts holding the rail on... take them out and wiggle the rail free... a little KY (nothing works better.... I felt like someone was playing a joke on me sending me to drug store for it but it works... really well and better than anything else I've ever tried) on the rail side of the new injector amd the cylinder side of all of them on that bank.. slide them in, bolt them down... easy... make certain and pull the either ev1 or ev6 connector off that injector carefully... they fire on impedence and a spade slightly askew impacts the pulse tremendously. A matter of fact, check that connection carefully before even pulling the injector out.
Look at the basket on the injector closely... you may have debris and it sounds like you do... injectors are hardy little effers and don't fail near as often as we think they do/can.
The Volvo V6-280-M engine I have has an O2 sensor on each exhaust manifold. It is not a Cat engine that has 2 per bank.
I can't even see the fuel rails!
I'm taking it back to the dealer tomorrow for repairs as I have warranty. I'll post updates as I get them.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
I'm happy it wasn't an injector after watching all of the YouTube videos of guys destroying fuel rails trying to get them out.
Water tested, 5800 rpm, 55 mph! That's better.
Tach is junk though.
2019 MTX20 Extreme