Engine hatch cover would not open - sliding collar too tight (problem solved)

I'm just documenting a problem with my engine hatch cover, and how I solved it. Maybe it will help others.
Boat: 2007 Rinker 370
Problem: Engine hatch stopped working. When I pressed the button on the helm to open the hatch, I could hear a faint click near the battery switches, but the hatch would not move. The breaker was not popped, and the batteries were fully charged.
Solution: Readjusted the sliding collar at the top end of the engine hatch actuator.
Explanation: At the top of the actuator, there is a sleeve 4" long with a slot on one side and a nut/bolt at the top. The sleeve is meant to slide up and down to allow some play when you close the hatch. On mine, the bolt was overtightened so the slide could not move. When I closed the hatch cover, I was too slow releasing the button, and the actuator started pulling down on the hatch cover. The tension caused the actuator to bind.
To open the hatch: in the center of the hatch cover, I removed the table base (6 screws) and used a razor knife to cut a slit in the insulation. I was able to stick my arm into the hole (all the way to my shoulder), reach astern to the top of the actuator, and remove the pin that holds it to the hatch cover. It was not easy with the actuator under tension, but I got it out. Then I had a few friends with strong backs help me pull the hatch cover open so I could get into the engine room and prop it open using the leg on the underside of the hatch cover.
With the tension removed from the actuator, it went back to working normally. I adjusted the bolt on the sliding collar and reinstalled the pin - problem solved.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
I have proactively anticipated the day that the actuator malfunctions and I need to raise the hatch manually. I removed the table base, sliced the insulation and ran a short length of 1/8" nylon cord to the release pin. Now, if and when the problem arises, I'll just remove the table base, tug on the cord, and I'll be able to get to the engine. That's the plan anyway, but as Robert Bruce said, "The best laid plans of mice and men..."
When my mechanic closed the hatch after winterizing, he apparently held the button too long. The hatch actuator is now locked up solid as described above. I thought, no worries, I'll remove the table mount and reach in to pull the release pin. Easy, right?
Uhh, no. With that much tension on the actuator, the pin is jammed up tight. After much hard work, I could not pull it free.
Working blind with my arm sticking through the deck hole, here's what I've done:
No joy.
Agitating factor: Because of an aggressive fitness program, my arms won't fit through the deck hole like they used to. The Admiral has smaller arms, but not enough strength. Next step: use a reciprocating saw to enlarge the hole so I can get better leverage on the pin. Not sure what else to do.
Could I rewire that actuator in a way that disconnects power when the actuator goes into tension? Is there some other way to prevent this problem?
In fact, your comment made me realize the root cause of the problem: The actuator lower mount is too low! I need to raise the lower mount by inserting a 1" shim. That will fix both problems: 1) the actuator will not be able to pull down on the hatch ... AND 2) it will raise the hatch high enough to clear the brace!
I did manage to get the pin out. @MH342 I tried to loosen the mount screw, but couldn't get enough torque on it. So I enlarged the access hole from 4" to about 4.75" -- enough that I could get better leverage on the pin with a pair of vice grips.
2006 390
Previous 2000 340
When you close the hatch, release the button immediately after the hatch is fully closed. If you hold the button too long, or if the collar is tight and can't slide, it can make the actuator pull down on the hatch. That's bad for two reasons.
First, it can make the actuator gears bind up, locking the hatch in place.
Second, the actuator could pull out the mounting screws. If that happens, then the next time you open the hatch, it could fall and cause a major injury.
If the hatch doesn't open far enough, don't use the collar to adjust the position. The solution is to install a shim as shown above.