Almost lost Dream’Inn
About two weeks ago I get a dreaded call from my marina. I fear when a see a call from there cause it can’t be good. We had a really bad storm and well, the next morning my boat was found at the top of the lift with it still running. 
I’m very fortunate the belts burned up and the boat stayed up. One motor burned up, wiring burned up (shouldn’t have happened I know), 4 belts burned, control box gone.
Luckily the marina chained the boat up and then replaced what was needed to get her down safely. Even luckier the marina had parts on hand! It took a couple days, but she came back down! I still have cables and pulleys to replace, but all is good. I’ve now learned to always turn breaker off when I’m not there. Cause was either lightning interference with remote or moisture that got in control box.

Long way up to bottom of swim platform. Pictures really don’t show how high she really was

You can see they quarantined the dock…

Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!
As for what caused it? It was either lightning interfering with remote or a wet control box, which it was inside.
@YYZRC thanks! I do like the black protection over the boat. Keeps the UV out as well.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
& yes, I'm very lucky the marina noticed. Although I believe they had help from my buddy a couple boats down that has been staying on his boat mostly this summer (closer to work for him). Cause he called me 2 minutes before the marina did. Either way, we all try to look out for each other and I have cell numbers for half the boats on my dock.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Sounds like a surge triggered the electronics. New unit needs to have an isolator on the feed circuit.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club