The boat was taken out today and I’m already thinking about next season. Lol… In the spring I would like to replace my navigation lights. Does anyone know a good fit for new ones for the 2004 342?
x2 what @Black_Diamond stated. Measure the deck width where the existing light is as it might be too narrow for the ones recommended above. I replaced mine with what i thought was stainless steel but it was just plastic that looked like stainless. When you go to take them out as BD stated there is a wire connector that you can either get to by disassembling the boat or what i did was elongate the hole with a dremel to pull the wire up. Just caulk that hole up with 4200 or similar.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Also: it is a major PITA to get to the wire plug. Caulk everywhere!
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Go Steelers!!!