Isn't it the darndest thing when you pay someone to do something...and they make it worse?

J3ffJ3ff Member Posts: 4,126 ✭✭✭✭✭
Had a mechanic change the bellows this past summer, because I wanted to be SURE that everything was good to go.. and I got the gimbal noise two or so weeks ago, knew it was a problem...

So, now, paying for the boat to be pulled out again, 100's of dollars just for that.. and then the time and effort of course.. and here's the result of paying someone to do this work this past August..

Pictures from today:

It's so hard to judge if someone knows what they are doing or not.. hopefully the new mechanic can put all of this back together correctly.

What kills me on this one is I had a bayliner that I didn't change the bellows for 10 years and never had a problem. 

This one I am trying to do the correct maintenance on and end up paying multiple times for the same thing! 


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