No speed and hard steering

We managed to get out on our FV 250 today. Spring has arrived 🙂
Doing the maximum 6 knots along the river to Cowes Harbour was fine. The tide was going out and was nicely carrying us.
But (there's always a but), once out in the sea, despite accelerating, I couldn't get the speed above 10 knots and the steering was really hard, continuously trying to steer to starboard so I was fighting to keep it going in a straight line. I tried the trim tabs all the way down, all the way up, and various places between.
When accelerating, the bow was up high and the swim platform was under the water. The engine noise changed with acceleration, but the speed stayed the same at 10 knots.
What am I doing wrong?
Doing the maximum 6 knots along the river to Cowes Harbour was fine. The tide was going out and was nicely carrying us.
But (there's always a but), once out in the sea, despite accelerating, I couldn't get the speed above 10 knots and the steering was really hard, continuously trying to steer to starboard so I was fighting to keep it going in a straight line. I tried the trim tabs all the way down, all the way up, and various places between.
When accelerating, the bow was up high and the swim platform was under the water. The engine noise changed with acceleration, but the speed stayed the same at 10 knots.
What am I doing wrong?
Drive should be all the way down and tabs all the way down when launching for quickest time to plane.
The trim dial showed trim right the whole time.
Pressing the drive trim button up and down, I could hear the motor and could see it affecting the bow up and down so that appears to be working.
Pressing the trim tabs up and down, I couldn't hear a motor and whether the lights on the trim tabs control showed them as right up or right down, it made no difference to the boat performance, so I'm guessing that neither trim tabs work at all.
I'm going to have to get it looked at.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
It's a Mercruiser 5L with duo prop stern drive. The pic is from January. Its been in the water all winter.
My vote here as well. Check if the cap/rotor needs to be replaced on distributor.
Running but - no power is a big indicator.
With the motor spinning at 3750 rpm and the boat only pushing at 7 knots you are either very low on torque (several cylinders not firing) or your coupler is shot.