05 Rinker 320 FV Gas backing up on Starboard side when I try to fill it.

Ihave asked before and even at my marina where they work on my boat. They say its a clogged vent and blow it out with air, but it seems to work ,but still cant get gas in. I just took it out storage in climate controlled building so how can spidersetc.. are clogging it. What else can it be? Its getting frustrating in dealing with this. Any thoughts what else could it be. The fuel line looks ok and not sag its the same as the port side , but not getting any issues on port side.
Other possibility- if boat was filled with 5 gallon cans at some point maybe the spout fell off in the fill line and is causing a slight obstruction?
It's also a good idea to manually operate and inspect the condition of all your valves, including thru-hulls, at least once a year just to keep them from seizing up over time.