Gas shocks

This question isn’t related to my 2002 342, but to my other boat, a 1998 Regal 2100 LSR. But since many boat manufacturers used the same vendors, I was hoping someone might be able to help (and I haven’t found a Regal forum). I need to replace the gas shocks on my engine cover. The sticker on the shock gives the model number as SPD-GS-5300-60. When I google this, almost all of the results shown are GSNI-5300-60. I tried googling the difference but nothing came up. Does anyone know if these are the same product? Is it a case where GSNI bought SPD? I can’t find anyone selling the SPD model number except for used versions on eBay. But the GSNI version is readily available. Thanks and hopefully no one’s too upset for asking a question about a non-Rinker boat.
2002 Rinker 342 Fiesta Vee
1998 Regal 2100 LSR
1998 Regal 2100 LSR
The "-60" probably means 60 pounds of spring force. Measure the length when closed and fully extended, and you can probably find a 60-pound strut that does what you need.
1998 Regal 2100 LSR