Gas shocks

DanWDanW Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
This question isn’t related to my 2002 342, but to my other boat, a 1998 Regal 2100 LSR.  But since many boat manufacturers used the same vendors, I was hoping someone might be able to help (and I haven’t found a Regal forum). I need to replace the gas shocks on my engine cover. The sticker on the shock gives the model number as SPD-GS-5300-60. When I google this, almost all of the results shown are GSNI-5300-60. I tried googling the difference but nothing came up. Does anyone know if these are the same product? Is it a case where GSNI bought SPD? I can’t find anyone selling the SPD model number except for used versions on eBay. But the GSNI version is readily available. Thanks and hopefully no one’s too upset for asking a question about a non-Rinker boat. 

2002 Rinker 342 Fiesta Vee
1998 Regal 2100 LSR


  • captkevincaptkevin Member Posts: 305 ✭✭
    Did a quick search on Amazon with the model number you provided. Several models';  came up that seemed like they could work. Think i'd give them a try & can always return if they don't work out.
    2004 232
    2021 Yamaha Fx svho
  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,811 mod
    It looks like the GSNI is a drop-in replacement.  But -- do you want an exact replacement?  Sometimes, it's helpful to get struts that open a little farther than the OEM.  

    The "-60" probably means 60 pounds of spring force.  Measure the length when closed and fully extended, and you can probably find a 60-pound strut that does what you need. 
  • DanWDanW Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
    Thanks! Im pretty sure it’s an exact replacement. If not, I’ll try again with exact measurements. (Im not near the boat right now to measure. Thought the model number would suffice.)

    2002 Rinker 342 Fiesta Vee
    1998 Regal 2100 LSR
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