Hookah Scuba Setup - Anyone?

We love spending time in the water and recently I have been reading up on hookah scuba setups. I think it could be a fun way to explore around the boat when we are anchored in shallow water.
I was contemplating a used scuba tank and 50’ of hose. Some rigs run on an air compressor but that seems a bit intense. My only concern with the tank is finding someone to fill it as I am not scuba certified.
Anyone have any expertise in this area?
2008 350 EC on Georgian Bay
Compressor with regulators are fun to play around the shallows with.
Get certified. It’s not that hard and you can do the course work online. The dive centers have made it much more recreational than the old days where they would secretly turn your air off just to see what you would do. You will learn a good amount and it will be much safer.
I did take a scuba lesson many years ago but my ears won't let me go much deeper than 10' and all the equipment is cumbersome as ****. I love the hookah idea for it's simplicity and I think my little guy would get a kick out of it.
There's a dive shop near where I keep the boat; I will pay them a visit and see what my options are.