Anchor Chain & Rode replacement on 2005 342

Hey guys, I've been reading the countless threads on Anchor chain/Rode options on the 342 and have answered most of my questions with those threads, but I still have a few more. My boat is equipped with a Lewmar Pro 1000 with a RC0864 Gypsy (5/16" G4 chain and 9/16" or 5/8" line). This is where I am running into confusion. The current chain on the boat is 1/4" G4 with 1/2" line. I have never had any trouble with this setup and didn't even realize the chain was mismatched with the Gypsy as this is the way it was setup when I purchased the boat in mid 2022. The line isn't in the greatest shape and I'm getting ready to order new chain/line from Dark Horse Marine. Since I haven't had any issues with skipping or binding should I just leave the Gypsy as it is and replace with new 1/4" chain & 1/2" line? Also, I currently only have 15' of chain and 100' of line. I want to go with 40' chain and 160' 3 strand line. I have seen on a thread where someone went with 200' 1/4" chain, but I am not sure if that much 3 strand will lay in the locker without issues. Does anyone have experience with this chain/line combination?
Or should I switch to 5/16" chain with 9/16" line? How would that affect the locker space?
Or should I switch to 5/16" chain with 9/16" line? How would that affect the locker space?
2005 342 FV
Post edited by Maddux99 on
Now I have to check what I have. Almost certain it’s still the OEM rhode and it’s on my list to replace soon. Same 15’ of chain with 100’ of line but I think mine is 5/8 or 3/4 8-plait. I’ve also never had issues but I never checked the chain size vs gypsy specs.
I made 3 strand work OK on my last boat which didn’t have a windlass. It was slightly better once I put in an anchor swivel but that’s just another failure point. I’ve never had an issue with jamming or tangling with my current 8-plait. It lays flat and has a balanced weave that doesn’t twist at rest or when stretched.
On a side note, I just noticed that I accidentally put this in the Generator discussion. Is there any way to move it to a different discussion. I can't see a way to do it.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
There's plenty of debate about all-chain rodes. I prefer having some rope. In theory, rope provides a bit of stretch when anchored in truly serious weather. And if there's an emergency, I can part the rope with a knife. I've never personally tested either of those situations, and hope I never do.
I like some rope in there as well. Slightly off topic but I keep a cork handled floating knife up in my windlass locker - just for that reason......
I'm pretty sure I am going to do 40' chain/160' rope. I want more length than I had before. I have been short a few times and couldn't get the scope I really needed. I have a test length of 5/16 chain coming from Dark Horse to test out on my chainwheel. After I get the chain locker opened up inside so I can see how much room I have I'll make a final decision. I've been satisfied with the performance of the 1/4 chain, I'm definitely on the fence on matching the chain to the chainwheel or keeping things the same as they have been. I guess I could always order a chainwheel for 1/4 in the future if needed.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Lewmar PRO series 1000 Windlass with 516 gypsy
5/8”; 8 plait rope and G4 5/16” ISO G4 chain
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
I choose this stuff because it’s heavy and lays flat, and it doesn’t have any rough edges that would catch on the line. It’s also flexible enough to roll up and stuff through the tiny little access port.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express