Wow- what a winter- we may only reach low 50's by Monday...pretty cold for us. To cold for boating- If it sat at a dock I'd be out- we have the gen and heat but launching....I will some but brrrr....
Our season is pretty short, best case is late April until Late August. Last year they had to drain the reservoir because the deepest boat ramp was being replaced, so draining started in mid-July...OUCH.
In VT for another ski trip now. Might do one more quick ski trip but headed to Roatan in February for some sand and scuba. Usually start spring work mid March on the fleet
Rinker sold but still have other boats Eastern LI, NY
I love pictures of snow...heck we had 10" in the panhandle which I'm sure made national news...I just don't want to do its going to be 35 on Saturday ..
LaRea picture i posted was taken at Pictured Rocks. When you posted your pictures from the water was thinking everytime i am there it doesn't look like yours. Been there at least 10 times on a snowmobile. Never seen from the water. Maybe someday.
Our cruise got back to New Orleans this morning to still see snow on the ground. They had gotten 9 inches of snow a few days ago. The most in over 150 years. I miss the 80 degree weather and especially the turquoise water!
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Anyway, this gets me through the winters here.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express