Trim Tabs on 2003 Captiva 212
Anyone have any pictures of installed trim tabs on a 2003 captive 212.
looking into perhaps buying some.
any comments on how they help or hurt.
Any input would be sincerely appreciated.
I'm sure I could use them when the boat is loaded down, but I can't figure out how, yet...
Here is my solution, fwiw, to make this thing work.. but it will cost me at least what the tabs cost+...
I want to make a mold matching the curvature of the hull on opposing sides, that allows the 'filler/blank' to present a surface to mount the tabs where they will most benefit the purpose, which to my understanding is nearing the lateral edges of the stern..
problem #1: these blanks have to be substantial enough not to allow the added torsion/leverage to rip them off or bend too much, which creates-
problem #2: you have to bolt in deep to attach them, which may be compromising the strength of the build right where it is pretty dang vulnerable...
problem #3: what material do you use to create these mounts? rubber, like bushing material? Steel, like marine bracket material? encapsulated fiberglass w/ metal reinforcements at critical junctures?
those three 'problems' have kept me from lifting a finger, because I'm not even quite sure if I need them for my purposes..
I'd love to see what you come up with, though, if you pursue this.
2002 Captiva 212, 5.0 220 hp, Alpha 1, 1.62 gears
Moon Township, PA - boating in the Ohio River
Ive seen pictures of tabs right from the factory that are just on each side of the drive, so it really cant be harmful at all.
That is great wootdog! As spring arrives and you pull that boat out, I am going to be hitting you up for more pictures (and maybe some measurements and settings)
BTW, what year is your boat?
Thanks agan.
2002 Captiva 212, 5.0 220 hp, Alpha 1, 1.62 gears
Moon Township, PA - boating in the Ohio River
I have a 2004 232 and put Lenco Tabs on w/LED Switch.
the best investment I made to the boat along with the drive shower. You will not be disappointed.
Boat: 2004 232 Capitva CC
Boat Name: Mixed Nutz
Location: Wintrop Harbor (Lake Michigan)
Wootdog72, have you gotten the boat out of the garage yet? Amazon has a decent price on those tabs and I am seriousl;y considering ordering them. I would like to get a couple more pictures if you have the time and maybe a measurement or two, like from the drain plug to the leading edge of the tabs or something to ensure that I get them where they won't interfere with the outdrive.
2002 Captiva 212, 5.0 220 hp, Alpha 1, 1.62 gears
Moon Township, PA - boating in the Ohio River
anyway.. I am in salt water, and run as far as 25miles in a single leg and at or above 3500rpm the entire time, so... the drive may be a concern, and this thing (at link) seems to be the solution..
the tabs won't be in until early next week according to the tracking, but they appear pretty easy to install... did you use 4200 or 5200 on the screws? After having a discussion here once about 5200, I'm a little intimidated about using it..
Go Steelers!!!
Turns out drilling holes in your hull is a traumatic experience...
Will try em out tomorrow..
Mine are ordered and awaiting delivery. Any and all installation suggestions, etc. welcome. I think I may need to visit the doctor for anti-anxiety meds to be able to drill holes in the back of my boat though.... :-t
As Wootdog says, any pictures Drew?
2002 Captiva 212, 5.0 220 hp, Alpha 1, 1.62 gears
Moon Township, PA - boating in the Ohio River
I felt the same way about drilling the holes in the hull.
Just measure a million time before you drill and it is fine.
Me and my buddy did the Lenco install on my Captiva 232 and it is awesome.
Trim tabs make all the difference in the world.
Boat: 2004 232 Capitva CC
Boat Name: Mixed Nutz
Location: Wintrop Harbor (Lake Michigan)
Boat: 2004 232 Capitva CC
Boat Name: Mixed Nutz
Location: Wintrop Harbor (Lake Michigan)