Sea Valve Locations
Member Posts: 8,446 ✭✭✭✭✭
Hi- new owner of a 2005 270 with gen set factory installed. I am learning my way around the boat and know from my survey I have a stuck sea valve on my gen. The forum has help me idenitfy where that is as the surveyor was mistaken. That being said, there looks like there should be one about halfway down the hull in pretty much the center of the boat as their is a grate and obviously water goes in that the a/c and where is the access to the sea valve for that. I think I can pretty much figure out the rest of the boat as I have owned boats previous (with one still for sale!) but nothing this size and features.....
thanks if you can help!
Sending pictures would help us see what you are seeing.
If it is the AC feed line, then you should find that in a compartment under the aft cabin mattress.
You should find your head toilet feed water line there as well.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Inlets for:
Gen Set
PC BYC, Holland, MI