I carry a jumpstart pack that's a bit larger and fully capable to jump the engine in a pinch or power the raft air pump. All for about $40 at Harbor Freight.
I too used to have a jumpstart pack. Used it to also lower the hatch when I disconnected batteries on my prior boat. But, it got wet after a high tide in my dock box, & with my current boat I don't think I'd have a need anymore. Great though for a lot of things. I had used it with an inverter at home to run my fire place insert fan when I lost power.
I have a jumper box and use it a lot. Most use is to blow up rafts/floats but have loaned it a few times so a dockmate can jump his boat. Peace of mind in case mine won't start one day.
I actually had someone swim over to us last year asking if we had jumper cables. We did not. Never thought of them on a boat. I radioed for marine Patrol to help them, and decided to add a jumper pack to the boat this year, just in case. Most of my emergency items have never been used on me, but frequently for others. (Thankfully)
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express