Engine Info?

I just purchased a 1989 Fiesta Vee 250. I would like to find out exactly which engine I have as I have taken all kinds of information from the engine itself but can't believe how hard it has been to find it online, even on this site.

This is the info I have:
Model: MCM 5.7L
Disp 360 CID
HP 260
The cover says it is a Mercrusier Alpha One w/ Thunderbolt Ignition & Power Steering

It has an air filter FACET A175-64.
The drive serial #s are OC630506 & OC590799.
Of course, the Motor Serial # is unreadable. The previous owner put clear tape over it, I'm assuming to keep it legible, however, it melted (imagine that), got covered in grime (ditto), & won't peel off.

I need to do a tuneup on this so I need to know the oil specs, PCV valve type, carburetor model, etc.

I appreciate any help you can give me.

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