Using an IPAD as a chartplotter

Was thinking about upgrading my chart plotter to one of those big units, but then a guy at work and i were talking and he proposed this idea to me.. we did some research and downloaded the NAVIONICS app for my ipad ($49.99) and off we went.. its a 10'' chart plotter that can be used other than just a plotter.. So the big question is.. HOW do we mount this???
2004 Rinker 312, 5.0 Merc's, Bravo III, Lake Wheeler, AL
That's very true, I remember that happening once last year. I think I had laid it flat out on top of the helm while docked for streaming my music and it overheated.
raster's generally have more detail, but they are basically base layers the region you're viewing are superimposed over- they are great for large screens such as a desktop computer... if you're looking at depth, for instance, and you're zoomed into a window representing 2nm, the lil numbers will consume a smallish pixel or two- you would have to blow up the map to see them on a smaller screen- that is where a problem is encountered with raster's- that tiny number representing depth is 'sposed to be take up x number of pixels AT A CERTAIN SCALE, when you zoom in, that number gets huge and the detailed stuff pixelates to where you can't distinguish what they are..
a vector doesn't do that, and it doesn't rely on a huge pile of GIS data on the device to reference what's what.. it scales the items represented on the map/chart/screen to the zoom selected..
I bought a vizio tablet off amazon for $90- it has an 8.5" screen and two GPS cards (one is standard joined with wi-fi, 4g, ect, one is stand alone)... it works well... I've actually learned to trust it quite a bit more than I ever thought I would.
I run the Navionics app on my ipad and iphone and wife's iphone. I use it more often than my C80, which works out right now becuase my C80 is on the fritz. The accuracy is pretty amazing and i find just as if not more accurate than my C80.
I have a RAM mount which i haven't rigged up yet as the Ipad wedges nicely above my throttles. So its low on the project list.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"