Anchor Locker leaking water

SerenitySerenity Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭

I have a question and would like some opinions.

I own a 2005 320 and I noticed the line and chain in the anchor locker under the windlass was wet. I first thought the drain from the windlass area was leaking. Upon further inspection-the drain was fine but the bolts holding the windlass and wires from the windlass were wet and are the reason for the wet anchor line. Do I need to take my windlass out and re-seal the bolts and wires. We did not have heavy rain--I only washed the boat today with no direct water in the windlass area.  The water does drain overboard since there are drains in the bottom of the anchor locker. It is just that I am sure mold and mildew will grow like a weed with water and darkness all the time. The perfect environment.


  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,450 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a 270 but surprised there is not a drain for the locker? That makes no sense...mine has a drain and I'm sure you have some sort of cover that opens over the windlass- I would think it would be to leak where your thinking unless the locker was full of water and then it might seep through. It sounds crazy but maybe something is covering up a drain hole and your not seeing it as if there is a locker, there must be a drain for it!
  • SerenitySerenity Member Posts: 162 ✭✭✭
    There is a drain and it is unclogged and  leaking as well. I also saw it leaking from the windlass mounting bolts and where the wire comes into the locker. I bought 4200 last night and will reseat the windlass and drain. That will solve my problems.
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