IMO charcoal type filters on waste tank vent lines should be mandatory for anyone who docks in a public or private fact a number of local marinas are considering just that! I bet DI makes his raft mates during his big rafting parties use filters? :-) MT
Tiki- did you trade in your home version for big orange? I was going to start making one but if you bailed on it and use the orange, then I will go that much? How long do they last?
Here is the one I made, I used a carbon pad that we use in air filters to remove odors as the pads in the ends to hold the carbon in. I then used actives carbon that we use in our water conditioners.
A couple fittings and hose clamps and we are smell free. I'm interested to see how long it last.
Great pics. Almost the same size n shape as mine. I use aquarium carbon pellets ordered through Amazon shown in my prior pics with piece of porous foam on each end. I change the pellets after about a year.
It was a 10 minute job to install. 2 screws and 2 hose clamps. Then clip the filter to the base.
Really, I flushed the toilet today just smells
I got mine at the Chandelry online
For those who did a do it yourself job, do you just let the filter/pvc pipe rest in place or did you create a bracket to fasten it down somewhere? I'm off to HD today to get the parts to make one. I had the big orange on my prior boat and it worked fine. The admiral drew the line last week as I let the tank get too full and the off gassing was just terrible.
I use tie-wraps to secure it to the outlet hose (or any convieniently stable spot) just to keep it from flailing around if I'm getting pounded on a rough day.
On my 342, I used a piece of AL corner to fasten to the tub wall under the seating and to the big orange. The white tube at the bottom is just a spacer to keep the unit straight since I have more stand off with the bracket I made.
BTW the Big Orange Filters come with a built-in vent to ensure that they do not impede air flow while venting during pump-out. Just another well thought out feature of the unit. MT
Nice install BD. I use the tie wraps as well to install.
Summerx, on your 310, stbd side, you will see a 5/8" hose go from the tank up to a vent just fwd of the tank, up higher. That is the line the filter goes on. I did it on my old 310, pretty simple.
MT, most those that I raft with I've made them one or talked them into one. I have no sense of smell at all, but the admiral makes up for me.
So I made the run to HD during lunch. I spent $15 on parts and then went to Petco and purchased some activated carbon pellets, which was another $15 (enough for 3 fills). I decided to do 2" PVC, 16" long, as the barbs fit better into the threaded PVC plugs. Now to install it on the boat later this week. Picture below.
I installed the Big Orange last month and one of the hoses, the one from the tank to BigOrange, the stink is still there, ugh! I truly believe it is the old hose though, the one going from the filter up and out of the hull. The old piece I removed stank so bad on its own we gagged, and I'd already thrown it out on the swim platform!
So I want to replace the old hose and am looking on how to do that, we've got a 270 and the prob is I'm 6'5", kinda hard to get back in there! I can't even get to where I can see the hose going out the the hull from under the hatch. You should've seen the acrobatics I had to do to replace the bilge and float, lol.
Any suggestions?
2004 270 Fiesta Vee - Bull Shoals Lake, AR - 350 Mag Bravo 3
1. Use new sanitation type hose (white) for the vent line. Old type tubes or the incorrect tube will let the small permeate.
2. Check the vent hose connection at the tank: mine was all jacked up. The fitting on the tank was 1/2"...the tubing was 5/8" and Rinker just used a worm clamp to smash it on to hold..but it did not seal. I ran new 1/2" tube to a barbed adapter to get to the 5/8" and then new 5/8" to the big orange and then to the vent.
Find a smaller friend who is capable and willing to work for cold beer to help.
well, getting back to this as to be honest, really have not had a problem...until now. What puzzles me about the issue is how does the choice aroma get into the cabin? When I open my head door I have no noticeable smell but the rest of the boat now seems to smell like a pert a potty. My additional concern would be is if the smell is getting into the cabin through the bilge, so would not Carbon monoxide? I have two sensors and have not had any issues with that. So the filter goes into the vent line for the tank, does it not vent to the out side of the boat? I need to get down there and check that out...
2000 180 Bowrider, 135hp 3.0L Merc, 2.00 Alpha One Gen 2 OD, 14.5 x 19P prop
Regular weekender, trailer stored indoors, Southern Ohio
I've gone as far as giving them away to my boating friends. The Admiral usually appreciates it the most. It's a primal male thing I guess.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
A couple fittings and hose clamps and we are smell free. I'm interested to see how long it last.
I like the a/c carbon idea even better.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
I use tie-wraps to secure it to the outlet hose (or any convieniently stable spot) just to keep it from flailing around if I'm getting pounded on a rough day.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Thanks DI! I will take a look for it next weekend when i am down at the boat.
So I made the run to HD during lunch. I spent $15 on parts and then went to Petco and purchased some activated carbon pellets, which was another $15 (enough for 3 fills). I decided to do 2" PVC, 16" long, as the barbs fit better into the threaded PVC plugs. Now to install it on the boat later this week. Picture below.
hmm. The picture doesn't seem to want to load.
I installed the Big Orange last month and one of the hoses, the one from the tank to BigOrange, the stink is still there, ugh! I truly believe it is the old hose though, the one going from the filter up and out of the hull. The old piece I removed stank so bad on its own we gagged, and I'd already thrown it out on the swim platform!
So I want to replace the old hose and am looking on how to do that, we've got a 270 and the prob is I'm 6'5", kinda hard to get back in there! I can't even get to where I can see the hose going out the the hull from under the hatch. You should've seen the acrobatics I had to do to replace the bilge and float, lol.
Any suggestions?
Two things:
1. Use new sanitation type hose (white) for the vent line. Old type tubes or the incorrect tube will let the small permeate.
2. Check the vent hose connection at the tank: mine was all jacked up. The fitting on the tank was 1/2"...the tubing was 5/8" and Rinker just used a worm clamp to smash it on to hold..but it did not seal. I ran new 1/2" tube to a barbed adapter to get to the 5/8" and then new 5/8" to the big orange and then to the vent.
Find a smaller friend who is capable and willing to work for cold beer to help.
PC BYC, Holland, MI