
My Starboard Tach works when it feels like it. I know my boat and my engines so it really doesn't bother me but I do not like broken parts on my boat. Does anyone know how to fix this. I did just have both my engines out of the boat and it started to give me problems when they were put back in.
Faria Guages?
Yes, 2005 342
Same ones I have aboard the Salt Shaker. Pieces of expensive junk. Once in a while when a tach is going crazy, a good tap or two will bring it back. Called the "Faria Tap"
I tried that trick already. worked a few times but not anymore.
I believe Black Diamond installed all new gages in his boat. He seems quite happy with that upgrade.
The Faria tachs are, IMO, really sensitive to a loose ground situation and the screw terminals on the back can come loose where they are attached to the plastic tach housing. That could be the problem. It was many times for me over the years until I up-graded the gauges, but that was $$$$. MT
Yes indeed! I went with the twinscan and also added the floscan (fuel flow meters), one in each hole where the tachs were. I added in separate hour meters. I had the hours read from the engines and just put a label by the meters to know how many hours to add.
You need to make a spacer to fit the smaller gauges where the stock ones were, they are an odd diameter size.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
If I remember it was a ridiculous $150 replacement "warrantee" part to end up with the same low quality. That just seemed outrageous.
My faria gauges are a proprietary plug style so unless you can figure out how to rewire the cable to a typical screw type terminal you'd be stuck with them. I actually replaced my frustrating Faria tac with a reliable otc Teledyne and chucked the Faria.
Eventually I found added modestly priced Merc Smartcraft multi gauge that ended my gauge drama.
My Teledyne/Teleflex(?) tac is a slightly different face plate but the same dash mount diameter at $40 from my local marine surplus guys. Here's the frikken proprietary plug, the replacement tac and one of my $200 (incl the cable) Merc Smartcraft multigauge that was a simple plug-n-play. (couldn't find a pic of it mounted but it fits in the dash just to the rt of the tac and below the trim gauge).

Faria multi gauge circa 2004. Typically 10-25% inaccurate from its readings based against the engine computer readings from the Smartcraft.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
I send my faria gauge double tachs for repair twice first time was 125$ plus shipping came back did not work needle bounce all over. Send it back pay shipping again came back the port hour meter did not work and port tach needle still bounce. So I will replace with flowscan dual tach.
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"