I plan on putting in-line fuel flow sensors that will plug into my lowrance nmea network. Numerous folks have done this without issues. Hopefully I'll be another one without issues....lol.
No longer a boat owner.....previous boat - 2005 Rinker Fiesta Vee 342
5 years 500 hours later no issues. The flo scan 9000 recommends the filters I used. The filters recommend being used with the 9000. Specifically designed to work together via the micron size.
Here is a picture of the filter that houses only a screen on my fuel line. The other pic is a screen shot of the 9000 install instructions. This is located on the fire wall looking down. The filter is just behind the genny box center of boat or in front between engines.
Also note the last visible line on the install pic above. Carb engines... you can get all details by downloading the flo scan 9000 Pdf installation instructions.