looking to possibly put out rinker up for sale. It is a 2003 342 with merc 300hp and bravo 3s. With 420hrs. In excellent condition and needs nothing. 69k
03R342 - brother, I feel for you. I click on that friggin' black box with the folded corner like a rat looking for a treat and it NEVER lets me post. Maybe I've been banned - or just my crappy windows 7 killing me again. MT
Beautiful boat, great pictures! You're right across the St.Lawrence from me. I'm in the municipal harbour in Gananoque. What marina are you at? At what island are the pics of you anchoring taken - if you don't mind me asking. MT
BTW guys windows 7 does not work that well with this forum. I downloaded Chrome and never have a problem. Window's 7 wont even let me log on...... Just saying..
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org raybo3@live.com
Evey season give it a good wet sand and buff. It's tough keeping the blue on rinkers in nice shape. If I keep it I will have the blue painted in a few years. We have had great luck with the boat everything works like it should and needs nothing. We are just thinking of going in a different direction.
Nice looking boat!! I'm also eyeing up that blue seat you have on the platform. Hadn't seen one quite like that. Where did you get it? I have the west marine ones and love them. But yours has arms and looks much better than the WM ones with arms.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express