You don't see much about oil leaks on these. If you cannot see the source from the top or from the service panel side a flashlight/mirror might be in order. Is it leaking much? I'd start with the oil pressure sender, then the valve cover. The service manuals for this are in the Generator section of this site.
Tom, you're sure the oil isn't from a trim sending unit or trim unit reservoir - or - some other source? I ask because removing the generator is a fair sized job and as BD says I haven't heard much about oil leaks from them. BTW since the boat is "new" to you could the previous owner have had the oil in ithe generator changed and some spilled and is now showing-up? I had a friend chase an oil leak in his boat for weeks. Turns out a tech had knocked over a quart of oil during an oil change and weeks later what he couldn't clean-up started to run out from strange places. Would a call to the seller/previous owner be in order? Good luck! MT
Thanks for the feed back. I checked all the obvious spots and they were dry, so its coming out. Can't get at the back of the unit with out pulling it. btw I purchased the boat new in 2004. Very happy with it. Planning to re-power when I retire in Fla.
Sounds like a crankshaft seal then. You should be able to see the flywheel end (carb side) for drips. The plastic rocker arm covers have been noted to come loose/crack too...that's an easy fix if so. Otherwise I bet you'll have to pull it...on mine that means pulling an engine too. $$.
Mine is leaking from the rocker covers: I bought new covers and seals but I cannot find the torque specs for the rocker cover bolts anywhere: does anyone have the torque sequence and torque specs for this repair?
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Let us know what you find out. Good luck.
PC BYC, Holland, MI