battery selector switch
Member Posts: 8,433 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have a post working in the engine section about a starting issue and I'm also trying to understand what I ran into today replacing a battery....I was trying to confirm which battery was number one and two...brief look in the engine compartment I'd Assume the first battery would be one: when I looked at the battery cable going up, seem the wire went to the other side of the selector on the back making me now think number 2. SO, I was replacing my starting battery so thought I would confirm . I really could not! First, the engine turns on with either battery so then I thought, will try to turn a cabin light on to confirm- would not work on 1 or 2, but only when I had it on both, with only one battery installed, what's up with that?
well, still working on this. I had previously pulled the panel open and checked the connections, perfect. The battery connector/connections:perfect. This weekend, while putting a cooling house to the foot, I pulled the ground wires on the back side of the motor (4) and cleaned connections that looked fine and put some anti corrosion stuff on it and put it back together. had this issue day one, I have rebuilt the starter as it crapped out, I replaced the starter slave solenoid being a suspect and it seemed to test bad. And which ever battery the selector is on and it's not working, nothing works not just the ignition. Not an electrical person but this sure sounds odd.
I looked on line, not much info on my Guest brand switch but was surprised with the wiring as I expected to see a couple of + terminals (which the diagram I found showed) and the an acc. lead for the helm, another wire to the starter which after thought makes sense and THEN wires to the alternator??? Where do the battery ground wires go to? Hard to understand the "switch" and how to check it, does there not have to be a ground in the switch there somewhere to turn off and on???
Just because you cleaned the ends of the wires doesn't mean that they are still good. The wires can corrode inside the jacket where it is out of site. Try and email the person who took over for Randy Rinker and see if you can get the wiring diagram of your model boat. It will help out a ton. I have referenced mine multiple times in the short amount of time that I have owned my 280.
Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Glad you solved your issue. Sometimes we just over-think a small problem when we're "convinced" that we know what it is. I love a simple fix.