Batteries during winter/engine hatch
I have searched throughout the forum and have read several discussion on removing batteries during winter and operating the engine hatch. The issue is my boat is out of the water for winter and no access to shore power. I want to get into the engine compartment and at least disconnect the batteries if not remove them for winter and keep on a charger being that they have been connected for two weeks and probably not fully charged anymore. Once I disconnect how do I get the engine hatch down?
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
then you can use a battery pack and connect it to the studs to open or close the hatch. Look at
this picture they are the two red studs
I ended up removing the batteries and putting jumper cables to the battery terminals and snaking the cables to the cockpit so it was like a remote battery of sorts.
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
You want to be careful doing that. If your batteries are out you need to make sure that the positive wire is not grounded on something.
JoeStang, did you try reversing the wires?