Go Buckeyes!!!!
ok, as most of you know I'm an Ohio fan. Sitting here watching the Buckeyes and man, they sure better be in that top four after this game tonight!!!! Wow, third string quarterback and they look like the top team in the country! I'm sure hoping FL State loses (sorry for you FL people, but it'd make things much easier).
Just want to say go Buckeyes!!!! (& hey, those Browns aren't doing too shabby either)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Vegas odds are highly against OSU, in fact the largest point spread ever for such a game. Since an OSU fan would never support UofM in such a game I have to go with Alabama as much as I hate them..and hope FL wins out over Bama too (another team I dislike). Ugg Not one team I care for in the mix!
NFL may have high saleries...but look at college football and the known money spent by the universities, let alone the 'booster' money spent underground at a lot of the big schools. Add in the TV and sponsor money plus cost of scholarships and I bet they are on par and maybe exceed the NFL.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Now, the money thing, yes colleges put tons in there, commercials, all that. I'm talking about what players get. Yes, they get scholarships and who knows what else. But they aren't getting actual salaries and nothing compared to millions per game per player. They are working their tail off just to have that slim chance of going further. Some are working that hard knowing this is all the further they will go, but do it for pride. They actually enjoy it without pay. That really isn't found in the NFL.
Oh, and FL. Sorry, I've gotta root for Oregon on that one too. I had enough of their stinkin chant and too much of them back in the 90's for a lifetime!
Oh well, always fun to chat some college ball. I absolutely love to watch it!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
tOSU really showed up, huh? Whodathinkit?
Meyer now has to face saben again, who gave him heart trouble the last time they pitted against each other, and hastened his exit from Florida.. reminds me of the movie 'waterboy', when Jerry Reeves character so scared author fonzerelli that he wore high heels and sought mental counsel from his momma.. this game should be a great one.
F$U makes me sick... They are likely representitive of where Cfb is heading, and it isn't good... I love Cfb over nfl because those fellas play harder, with more to prove... But the element of.integrity has disappeared... Winston ought not be on the field... There are several reasons for.that... But.. I digress, and will take this thought to the football forums. :-)
Good one on the 't'OSU 212! Probably not everyone knows about the 't' part.
FSU...just one of many programs where personal integrity might not even be on the list. Anything to win.
Just keepin' it fun guys!
I just got a copy of our yacht club calendar...the 100 days to launch party is in Jan.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
100 days to launch sounds like a good reason to party! I guess if it's a decent fall & spring, some here would celebrate that at the end of their boating season. I'm heading to a "raft-up" this weekend. We do a monthly raft-up from Nov - Feb, having drinks and talking boats at someone's house. It helps the winter go by and plan things for spring.
I know you do as much, or more, in the winter as you do in the summer. I do miss the better ski resorts (& better snow) at times. Around here you spend more time on lifts than anything else, just not worth the effort.
tOSU...I do like that!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express