Hey KYSEAN...I'm not seeing in-house performance tests with that set-up. Maybe another member has that info. Below is from a performance test done by boattest.com with the standard 220-hp Merc. You may be able to take an educated guess from this.
Rinker 216 Captiva (2013-) Test Result Highlights
Top speed for the Rinker 216 Captiva (2013-) is 47.9 mph (77.1 kph), burning 18.2 gallons per hour (gph) or 68.89 liters per hour (lph).
Best cruise for the Rinker 216 Captiva (2013-) is 27.9 mph (44.9 kph), and the boat gets 3.47 miles per gallon (mpg) or 1.48 kilometers per liter (kpl), giving the boat a cruising range of 131 miles (210.82 kilometers).
A high five is not a top speed performance prop...it is designed to hold the water better in big waves and give a better holeshot for water sports. top speed props are generally high rake 3 blade props such as the Mercury Mirage, Mercury Mirage Plus, Mercury Enertia and Michigan Wheel Balistic. Clever props also deliver very high top end speeds but sacrifice out of the hole. Stock performance tests are performed with the aluminum props that come with the boat. You should see speeds of around 50 mph. More with a 3 blade high rake.
Thanks for the info. I'll have it out for the first time Sunday and need to get some break in time on the engine but once that's done, I'll have a good chance to find out my props needs. I figured it would do near 50 with stock prop.
We purchased a leftover 2012 this spring with the 5.0, going only by the speedometer I have had it up to 49 with 2 adults, 1 child and a full tank of fuel.
Rinker 216 Captiva (2013-) Test Result Highlights