A/C issues

rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
We have a 270, 2005 with low hours. we have the A/C- but don't use this a lot as we are just getting things caught up on the boat to where we can stay out so we have only done the overnight thing maybe 5~6 times in our first year....the a/c thermostat does not seem to be working as it should but there are some differences I know from a house hold type unit- if I set it all the way as low as it will go it will keep the boat cabin "comfortable". If I try to set it say at 70 or 72, it seems to flip to heat so it becomes cooler outside than in, even in the am. I read there is a cycle it will go through to defrost the coil if it is freezing up but I don't think it ever got that cold. Like wise, the one night we used the heat I had to shut if off as it was roasting us. I have no error messages or anything on the thermostat and I have the manuals but there is not a lot of trouble shooting information on it.....any ideas? I looked at the cooling unit and it does not seem to be crudded up or anything.....the boat has only 110 hours or so on it now....

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