Lenco Trim Tab not working

Hello Everyone,
I own a 320 and have Lenco Trim Tabs. Last fall both trim tabs were working fine. The boat was stored on blocks and shrink wrapped for the winter. I tuned up the motors, generator and all boat systems and never thought about testing the trim tabs.Yesterday the boat went into the water. When trying to put the tabs down in order to plane for the first test run of the season--the starboard tab does not go down. Both arrows on the top of the switch on the dash are lite. The port tab works perfectly and all the lights work as the port tab is lowered. But when I hit the starboard side tab nothing. Not even a click, grind or moan. I have been reading that there is a control box where both tabs plug in and the one wiring harness runs to the switch on the dash. Does anyone know where this control box is located? I want to switch the wires to see if the trouble follows so I can eliminate the actuator on the tab. If it is the actuator-I will have to wait until the fall when the boat is pulled for the season. I would hate to do that since I use the tabs a lot.
call lenco. they have troubleshooting tech line and very helpful. they also have some troubleshooting info on their site. I have a bad actuator and the led lights provided info to confirm. installing new actuator tomorrow.
Arent lenco and Bennett one in the same? Sure appears that way on their web site.
Go Steelers!!!
@Serenity -- if you need to replace an actuator, you don't necessarily need the expense and hassle of a full haul and block. With a short haul, you could replace an actuator while hanging in the slings. It's a 1-hour job at most, so you could be done in a morning. Or, find a slip with a lift.