AC return air

redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭

I have a 2008 330 EC.  I have been familiarizing myself with my new purchase and going thru a list if small repairs the survey highlighted.  One item was to clean the air intake filter for the a/c.  I located the a/c unit in the most front cavity under the v-berth bed.  One thing I noticed was that the air intake just seems to be drawing air from the cavity where the a/c unit is located.  I have researched this question and found pictures of 08 330 ec boats with a return air in the front panel of the v-berth bed.  I do not have this vent.  Is there any location for the return air I am missing?  A change from the pics I have found?  Pic 1 is a pic from the net.  Pic 2 is my boat.   thanks in advance.

2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold


  • jaubryjaubry Member Posts: 125 ✭✭
    Could it have been re upohostried over the vent? I have this exact boat and mine is same as top pic. And there is a filter in there. When you lift the mattress, remove the bin. You should see a cutout where the air intake should be. 
  • jaubryjaubry Member Posts: 125 ✭✭
    By the looks of the upohostry in your boat, there seems to be irregularty where the vent should be, lead me to think it simply wasn't reinstalled 
  • JC290JC290 Member Posts: 706 ✭✭✭
    I agree looks like it was covered by PO 
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭
    as far as I know it was never worked on.  the boat has only been in service since 2011.  I guess it didn't sell in 08 because of economy.  I pulled that bin and didn't notice anything.  I will look again.  Thanks for all the feedback. 
    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • JC290JC290 Member Posts: 706 ✭✭✭
    Pull the bin and take a couple of pics 
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭
    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭
    well here is the opening.  definitely there.  interesting also, no drain on the ac condensation pan.  So the ac unit just sits in water.
    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭

    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭

    the compartment next to this has the ac unit.  So rusty water from the ac pan that sloshes out is ending up here.  also trying to figure out if it has anywhere to go.  it seems there may be an access into another compartment for drainage but not sure yet.  I am going to have to disconnect the ac unit pull it out, clean or replace the pan and install a drain.  run a hose to wherever it should go. 

    I just replaced the shower sump and was told that this was the shower and ac condensation sump.  I realize now that the shower drain goes into the sump and there is an output from the pump but no hose feeding the ac cond drain into it.

    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭

    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭
    ac unit pics.  this compartment is just forward of the one I just posted pics of.  anything from this compartment drains into that one.  only hoses.  in from the pump and out to the lake.  no drain.  rusty water sitting in pan with ac unit sitting in it.
    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Try to raise the end opposite from the drain with some plastic shims. That will help keep the pan drained.
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I bet if all the members got together on here that we could build a better boat based on all of our experiences!!
  • jaubryjaubry Member Posts: 125 ✭✭
    Where does that duct go to?
  • JC290JC290 Member Posts: 706 ✭✭✭
    well your cold air return grate is not installed first pic is the cut out covered. Now for the drain on the pan, i have seen them do this a couple of ways some go to the shower sump, some are plumb to a thru hull fitting (above the water line) and drain there. shimming the pan does help with draining but just draining in to the bilge i haven't seen. 
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭

    all of the duct work is connected to the supply side of the ac system.  three supply vents. one in the v-berth, one front of sofa and one in the head.  I guess I need to come up with the return vent.  do I understand that this has a place for a filter?  Also would I be correct in assuming that the supply is just drawn in that opening, forced air and no piping from the vent to the ac unit?

    shimming the pan will not help since there is no drain hole in the pan.  no where for the water to go.  I think I am going to pull the ac unit out clean and reset the pan.  install a drain and tie it into the water output of the ac.  this would take it out of the boat right in that compartment.  maybe I can find an inline backflow prevention piece to keep any water from possibly coming back in thru the ac exit.

    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,694 mod
    As far as the return air, you are correct.  You just need a grate in there that has a built-in filter.  The air will be drawn in thru that grate/vent, no need for a hose.  The drain, I'd watch having that drain out your AC line because the water may flow back in when the unit is pumping (as mentioned) and a backflow would only work under pressure in the direction you'd want.  Meaning, water would just sit in the hose because it is not under pressure, thus the hose would just fill up.

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭
    I see your point.  good advice.  maybe that is why it is normally routed to the shower sump.  that is a pretty long run.
    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • JC290JC290 Member Posts: 706 ✭✭✭
    running it to the shower sump isn't horrible still a pain, run a wire puller forward from shower sump towards the air unit there is an opening along the side just takes time.
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭

    removed the ac unit today.  there is actually a drain on the pan.  it was hidden by the supply duct work but it was clogged up and not draining.  could not get it opened.  removed the hose and dug around trying to get it to open up.  had sludge and crap in it from the pan.  the pan was nasty.  it had a layer of some rusty sediment that must have been 1/16 thick and came out in sheets.  spent an hour hosing it all out and making sure it would not clog the drain again.  tomorrow going to have my son get on an innertube and try to get the drain opened up from the outside.

    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
  • frenchshipfrenchship Member Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
    Mine did look like yours , even if the drain was not plugged but is was so far out level in both directions that it did not drain properly. Re did the pan and level everything
  • redlightningredlightning Member Posts: 284 ✭✭✭
    i didn't drill the rivits and remove the pan.  Worked with it attached.  Reinstalling it all tomorrow.  
    2011Sea Ray 450 Twin 8.2’s Bravo III Sterndrive
    2012 390 Sea Ray Twin 8.2’s Inboard - Sold
    2008 330 Express Cruiser - Sold
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