Water Infiltration Through the Transom

EzgoinEzgoin Member Posts: 80 ✭✭
Next on the list of problems I'm working though with this 2005 262 Captiva w/496 & Bravo 3, is a constant water infiltration into the bilge.  I just had the boat at the shop where they replaced the starter and tracked down a few other issues.  Unfortunatley they only had a water pit deep enough to cover the drive intake for tuning and troubleshooting and were unable to see any water coming into the bilge while in the pit.  They also removed the drive unit and the bellows were dry so no indication of water coming through the drive.
When floating I can get my head far enough into the bilge to see water trickling down the interior transom plate but can't really see where it originates.  If just floating, I'd say it takes on a maybe a gallon an hour or so.  I know it always drains a few gallons when I remove the drain plug after maybe 5 hours on the water, but I know I've missed a few bilge pump cycles too.  Can't say for sure if its any better or worse when under power.

From what I can see of the water trickling down the transom plate, any work on the transom plate or removal will probably be very difficult and may even require removal of the engine to correct!  Anyone have any input on where this water is coming through or my options?


  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,696 mod
    oh boy, it doesn't sound like good news.  I've known several people that had to have their transom plates.  the last one was a 2005 342.  So you're timing is about right.

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome back Al
  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,511 admin
    I had to have one of mine replaced a couple years ago. I have a 2002 342FV
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org     raybo3@live.com
  • Handymans342Handymans342 Member Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I guess Al has never seen the JR Marine repair video. 
  • EzgoinEzgoin Member Posts: 80 ✭✭
    edited June 2015
    So in discussing the issue with a couple marine mechanics, the engine has to come out, drive unit removed, and the transom assembly replaced since it can not be repaired.  8-10 hours to R&R the engine and drive, and $2500 for a new transom assembly since apparently you can't just install new seals or gaskets, and labor costs to do the assembly swap.  This boat has been a nightmare from day one!
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,696 mod
    Yes, unfortunately I've seen 3 friends with transom plate replacements (on both engines) over the last 6 months.  I believe they were related to the steering pin as Al mentioned.  The last find was a buddy that was moving up to a 400 & I found a little water in that area.  Knew what it was and seller paid $10k to fix both sides before he bought it.

    Sorry to hear about all your issues Ezgoin.  It is bound to get better soon, hang in there!

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • EzgoinEzgoin Member Posts: 80 ✭✭
    Ugh!  I'm dealing with the broker that sold me this POS to try and recover some of what I paid for this boat.  I'm holding off saying too much negative about him or his business until I see how he reacts to my request, but if he stonewalls me I will certainly be spreading the word...in detail. 

    I bought this boat and trailer long distance and I understand it was sold "as is", but many of the issues I'm having were not disclosed or were falsely reported.  I did hire a surveyor (recommended by the dealer) to perform an inspection.  He felt so bad about all the issues he missed he has already refunded what I paid him, but that's a very very small drop in the bucket compared to what I have had to put into this boat and what is yet to come.  Even if the broker refunds every penny of his profits on the boat it will only represent a fraction of what I have and will put into it to make it sea worthy!

    The worst of it is my wife and I love the boat!  If the issues would ever end we'd sure be happy with it!
  • EzgoinEzgoin Member Posts: 80 ✭✭
    So almost everyone I've spoken  to says the transom assembly can not be repaired or resealed, it has to be replaced and they want approx $4500 to do the job.  But, I talked to a mechanic in Portland Oregon who very matter of factly said he can reseal the transom unit and do it all for $1650.  What gives?
  • frenchshipfrenchship Member Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
    Did Mercruiser came out with a similar repair where they where drilling two large hole on the side of the transom assy.
  • craigswardmtbcraigswardmtb Member Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭
    Great to see Al posting again! 
    Ez are you sure its the Transom assembly seal and not the steering/swivel shaft?  How many hours and has it always been saltwater?  What often happens is hte swivel shaft corrodes and then deteriorates the upper swivel shaft seal.  This creates a leak that typically trickles down the center of the transom assembly and down your transom.  Get in there and snap some pictures of the steering arm area.  You'll be able to tell.  If its the swivel shaft and you notice substantial corrosion on the transom assembly than the whole transom assembly woudl need to be replaced.  IF not and you are a do it yourselfer i think the JR Marine method is the best route.  You can do the repair and not pull the engine.  Here is my repair thread on this with some pictures.  http://rinkerboats.vanillaforums.com/discussion/3411/bravo-3-swivel-shaft-repair-instructions#latest
    I know alot of the Merc mechanics in my area hate the Merc approved plug repair method so they almost all woudl rather remove the engine and repair it from the inside.  Plus this allows them to properly assess the transom assembly's condition.  I found a few Merc guys that woudl do the JR method but not many.
    Let us know the verdict.
  • pepmysterpepmyster Member Posts: 308 ✭✭✭
    B) Al, You're a real professional.

    All I've wanted was to just have fun.

  • Black_DiamondBlack_Diamond Member Posts: 5,439 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Al,  What does the Sea Core upgrade do for the swivel pin/seals over the standard Bravo-III replacement parts?

    Past owner of a 2003 342FV
    PC BYC, Holland, MI
  • EzgoinEzgoin Member Posts: 80 ✭✭
    So far the best view I've been able to get of the water trickling in shows it running down the port side of the transom assembly plate. There may be more, but I haven't been able to see it.  My next thought was to stick a video camera down under to see what it might reveal.

    In answer to Creigs questions, the boat doesn't really show any salt water corrosion and according to the original owner who lives in Chico CA, the boat was only in salt water twice over it's ten years for runs to Catalina Island.  However, the trailer looks like it spent a lot of time in salt water (another issue that was covered up in the description), so I don't know that I trust anyting the original owner has to say.

    I had a "certified" Mercruiser mechanic install the new starter and search for the souce of the intrusion.  He pulled the drive unit off and checked the bellows etc and couldn't determine where the water was coming in, but all he could do was dip the drive rather than put the boat in the water.  I didn't specifically ask if he'd checked things like the steering/swivel shaft, but I would certainly hope he did.  I'll have the next mechanic do exstensive evaluation before determining the engine, drive, and transom assembly need to come out.
  • frenchshipfrenchship Member Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
    Sea Core steering shafts are stainless steel.
  • craigswardmtbcraigswardmtb Member Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭
    If indeed it saw minimal salt water than I doubt the issue is your swivel shaft and seal. It all stems from the corrosion of the swivel shaft/pin. 
    NuWave Marine also carries SS swivel shafts. Work great. 
  • explore7425explore7425 Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
    We have several guys at our marina that have done the JR method. They are all happy with it. 
    Bella Sabrina II  370EC
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