Need some help with tachometer - 1988 V204 - 5.0 Merc Alpha 1
Hello everyone! New to this group at the suggestion of Rinker customer support. I have recently acquired a 1988 Rinker V204 deck boat with a 5.0L Mercruiser Alpha 1. The problem is that the tachometer does not work. I have posted in numerous forums, and even contacted Rinker support, but to no avail, so I am hoping that someone here can help me. When I bought the boat, the stock tach was completely locked up and did not work. I was able to replace it with another matching Medallion tach, and hooked everything back up, but this one doesn't work either! The gauge itself appears to be free, as the needle moves when I rotate the gauge itself by hand. I do have good power and ground to the gauge as it lights up when I turn on the nav lights - but yet it will not read any RPM's whatsoever. I have run a new wire from what I believe to be the negative side of the coil, and nothing. So, with all that said - where does the tach signal originate on this motor? Should I even be trying to pull the signal off of the coil, or should it come off of the distributor? I do not see any connections on the outside of the distributor itself, so am at a loss. Any suggestions? I have bought a stainless prop to replace my presumably stock aluminum one, but don't want to do so until I know what the engine is turning now.
I'd reckon wires and shields have corroded on that older rig, and you're losing precious continuity.