I just purchased a 2001 232 captiva with a 5.7. Does anyone have information on useing the depth gauge, and is there a grease fitting for the outdrive coupler inside the boat ? Thank You
Not sure what you mean by "using" the depth gauge. It should come on when you start the motor and display the depth under the keel in feet. There may be a setting for a audible alarm if it reads below a set depth.
ranco, not aware of any grease fittings inside the boat on 5.7 merc OD's i had over the years. If your standard depth gauge is the 2" Faria unit Rinker uses alot you can view or print the user info at Faria Instruments website.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Lots of useful info put together by the members (old & new).
My 5.0L Merc Alpha 1 Gen 2 outdrive has a grease fitting on the drive coupling behind the engine forward of the transom shield.
2019 MTX20 Extreme