Engine Sensor keeps going off

SJPazmanSJPazman Member Posts: 1

In the one year that I have owned a 2012 276 Captiva with under 100 hours, I have had three sensors fail. Over the winter, I was told that it was a bad ground. After only using the boat for 6 weeks, the sensor failed again. The only dealer in the area is not close and the one that use to be a dealer never returns calls.

I also now have an anchor that no longer automatically lifts. Since the boat is still under warranty, no one wants to touch it.

Any thoughts?


  • kbgolf1kbgolf1 Member Posts: 17
    That is frustrating.  Only thing I can think to do is call the manufacturer directly to discuss your issues.
  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,785 mod
    Which sensor failed?  What are the symptoms?

    For the anchor, does it go down but not up, or no movement at all?  There's a breaker at the battery switch panel, and another breaker at the helm.  Are either of those breakers tripped?  

    With the boat under warranty, if your dealer is chronically unresponsive, that's a problem.  Keep good records of when you contact them and what happens.  

    Rinker should be able to help you get some action.  In the old days, we could call Randy Rinker and he'd get stuff done.  Those days are gone, but Cindy Scott-Hagan is always very attentive.  Email her:  cscott@nauticglobalgroup 
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