Help with Brand New 2014 Captiva alarm and guardian engine

G-BeanerG-Beaner Member Posts: 3
We bought a brand new 2014 Captiva 246 and we have been getting an alarm. We have taken it to the dealer a few times now and they are finding no issues. We are sick to our stomach because every time we have taking the boat out we have issues. An engine alarm comes on with a constant beat and the boat cannot get up on plane. The dealer has given the following explanations.
1. Low on gas and it was burning too lean and the engine was over heating. This was not the case. We have taken it out a few times after with a full tank of gas and the alarm still goes off.
2.  There are weeds blocking the intake. The dealer rep said to throw the boat in reverse to clear the intakes. We did this and it still continued to happen. 
3.  Now we are told we should turn the depth finder off. Need to figure out how to do this now. 

Any my help would be much appreciated. We bought a new boat thinking we would avoid any issues. And have a warranty. 


  • MarkBMarkB Member Posts: 3,986 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First of all, in thr correct hands your problems can be fixed.

    Even new boats have issues. I bought a brand new boat in 2012 which needed an engine replaced.

    What I suggest is videoing your problems and demonstrate on video all the things you are trying to do to rectify the issue.

    If your dealer doesnt help you than find another merc certified mechanic to take care of you. The engine is under warranty and if it's not working right it should be fixed.

    Boat Name: King Kong

    "Boat + Water = Fun"

  • 212rowboat212rowboat Member Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭✭✭
    're: depthfinder.... They are suggesting it's your depth alarm and not an engine alarm... Slap them for me... 

    Check your drive lube.  Make sure it's.topped off.. if it is, make sure the sensor is well connected.  

    Another constant alarm is oil pressure.... Make sure your oils topped off.  Monitor your oil pressure.  It could be a bad pick up, which would suck because the engine has to come out, or... Could simply be a bad pressure sendor... 

    The other one is low water pressure though engine... Check your sea pump impeller.... Check that sensor too. 
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have faith, this issue must certainly be upsetting but new boats often come with some warranty issues. Your warranty will cover this resolution. As Mark said get confirming data. As well, your dealer should be able to use a code reader to track this issue. He should also be able to tell by the alarm duration or number of times it goes-off what fault it is identifying. It does not sound like your alarm is related to the depth sounder. It sounds like it is related to the engine management guardian system because, as you have implied, the engine rpms are being limited to avoid planning speeds. Don't let this make you sick, I am guessing that it is a response to a false code or something simple. No matter which it is, it is a warranty issue. Good luck, please keep us posted. :-)
  • G-BeanerG-Beaner Member Posts: 3
    Thank you all for your feedback. I have multiple videos of the alarm. And I agree that new boats can have issues, but is sucks when we can't figure out why. We looked it up and it is the engine alarm.  And yeah, not sure why the jumped to the depth finder, we sent the videos of the alarm so they could hear it. All levels and gauges look good, oil pressure, engine temp,...  RPMs are high and MPH are low after the alarm.  We will looker how well the sensors are connected next.  I will keep you all posted. 
  • 212rowboat212rowboat Member Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭✭✭
    being wholly unfamiliar with the newer rigs, this may be a misdirection.... but...

    "All Levels and Gauges Look Good"..... ->  The PCM/ECU, which is the computer that controls the engine, doesn't always draft it's information from the same place the gauges do... for instance, on some modern PCM/ECU controlled engines, there are two engine coolant temperature sensors.  One is for the PCM exclusively, and the other feeds the dash gauge.  they are physically close to each other, and should read near the same is not precisely the same- but, they are on different circuits.  

    I don't know if your gauges are wired directly to your PCM/ECU and collect all their data from it, or if they are straight wired to the sensors...  It would be a good place to start. 

  • 212rowboat212rowboat Member Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • 69fastback69fastback Member Posts: 951 ✭✭✭
    Have they even scanned it for codes? If it's going into guardian, there will be codes. 

    Abnd honestly, your option number 1 in the original post is so absurd, it would make me find a new shop. 
  • MarkBMarkB Member Posts: 3,986 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can you confirm:

    - What engine is it?
    - Have you called the manufacturer (ex. Mercruiser) to report an issue (you directly, not via the dealer)? If not, do it. Do not rely on the dealer alone. This is a warranty issue, so the claim process starts when the problem is reported. Make 100% sure the manufacturer has been contacted.
    - Has the manufacturer (ex. Mercruiser) provided direction on what they want done?
    - Has the dealer scanned for error codes?

    If the dealer hasn't called the manufacturer, or scanned for codes, I would be very nervous about using them.  Your experience (getting sick) is probably a direct result of not getting a confident feeling about who is helping you.  I would say give them a chance, but let them know you are not happy, and want this fixed. If they dismiss the issue with reasons such as shut off your depth finder - well, I think I would ask the engine manufacturer for your next closest certified mechanic.

    Boat Name: King Kong

    "Boat + Water = Fun"

  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mercury Marine HQ can tell you if your dealer has registered this issue as there will be a file registered to your name and the serial number(s) of your engine(s). This should have already been done by the dealer ( as soon as the fault was reported) to assure your warranty support from Mercury As I and others have mentioned the dealer should start with a code read. This is a warranty issue that should be solved with no cost to you, other than your (unfortunate)  discomfort. This is a new boat - be firm! Pls keep us posted.
  • G-BeanerG-Beaner Member Posts: 3
    The engine type is Merc 5.0. They scanned the engine twice for codes. Thr first time they checked it, the error code was engine overheat. The explanation was low fuel which led to lean burn. The second time they scanned, they said there was no error code present (even thought the guardian came on at least 10 times on the trip to the dealer). 
    We have not contacted Merc or Rinker but are in the process of summarizing the events to send to them.
    Our dealer just asked us for the numbers stamped on the side of the prop. Not sure if these are the same numbers as the engine serial, or if they have some other idea. 
    Thank you for all the help. 
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2015

    Mercury will probably want your engine and drive serial numbers (I doubt they will want your transom serial number). Mercury will probably want the prop sizes too  which are stamped on the propeller. Your dealer should have recorded all of this. As well, there should be a sticker on your engine with these serial numbers which should also be in your Rinker info bag in the Mercury Engine Manual that came with your boat. it is time your dealer got Mercury involved and stopped p*ssing around. If the tech doesn't know what to do Mercury has a special hot line for technicians. I am at a loss (although Al or 212 may chip-in) as to why a new engine that is electronically managed would burn lean - a Very bad situation. I have great respect for the training the techs have to acquire and the vast amounts of problems they have to assess but your tech doesn't inspire a lot of confidence - imo. Mercury should be involved - right now!

    Post edited by Michael T on
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