Another Battery Selector Switch question
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'06 FV 250. Today I discovered that both my battery #1 and battery #2 switch positions only provide power from the starting battery. Only by selecting "both" can I access power from the house battery. So away from shore power using lights, stereo, etc. my starting battery is being drained, but not the house battery. I don't think it's always been this way. Input appreciated.
When I had an older Fiesta Vee, 1992 everything could be run from either battery 1 or 2, including starting, accessories, trim tabs, refrig, etc. Rinker installed identical starting batteries, neither was truly a "house" deep cycle type. So when anchored overnight you'd use either 1 or 2, play your radio and run your refrig and you'd switch to both in the morning to make sure you had the starting power of the other battery in case you drained one dry.
Their newer boats are different with the switch saying "on" or "combine/emergency" and I don't know in which model year they made the change.