Mercy with bravo III won't start just clunks.
Hi all. Wanted to get some thoughts on this. I helped a friend with a 340 pulled his boat put on my trailer. To replace anodes. Put boat back in and he went out and it overheated on him which I have had happen before after putting the boat back in and I usually just let it cool and restart and all is well. But he shut the engine down with it in gear. I am guessing he forced it back into neutral and now the engine won't start. Just clunks coming from drive. I think maybe he broke the shift cable and it is stuck in between gear or something. Any thoughts on the best way to figure out the issue or what the issue may be? Any help would be great. Thanks.
2004 Rinker 312, 5.0 Merc's, Bravo III, Lake Wheeler, AL