Stereo Goes off at times

brandonmayberrybrandonmayberry Member Posts: 226 ✭✭
edited August 2015 in Electrical Discussions
Boat is a 2000 FIesta Vee 242.

PO had a 15 inch sub, amps, all new JL Audio speakers and a head unit. Also had extra batteries installed. One side has 2 deep cycle marine batteries and the other side is 2 blue top optimas. System sounds great and everything, however stereo will be on and working fine and if i hit the blower switch, or nav lights or anything the stereo will shut off and right back on. adjusting Trim Tabs will also cause it to go off at times. However it will only do this SOMETIMES not everytime so its not seeming like the switches are turning it off, more of overloading power and the stereo is the one that suffers. all the electronics seem to work fine and i can run blower, bilge, and all lights at the same time and stereo will still operate, it just shuts off when i hit the switch at times. Does it when docked and hooked to shore power as well as when sitting on batteries and when driving.

Furthermore, im not sure but my battery gauge drops down below 12 when sitting and the engine will seem to struggle to turn over after sitting for awhile even when i sit on battery bank 2 and switch back to bank one to start. When driving the gauge only goes a little above 12 so im wondering if im not charging real well.

Anyways, sorry about the lengthy post but hoping for some help and getting it sorted out before labor day. Thanks in advance for any input!


  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Since you mention you have two battery banks I assume there is a selector switch (often  red color) with selection options such as OFF or 1 or 2 or  1+2, this is called a battery switch. If this is wired correctly your starting battery bank (probably the blue top optimas) and your house batteries (probably the two deep cycles) should be isolated UNLESS you have selected 1+2 - which should only be done as a "bridge" for emergency start (imo). If your batteries only show a charge of 12 volts at cruise I believe they are not being properly charged. My batteries (which are AGMs) charge at 13.6 volts while at cruising speed (3300+ rpms)  IF  and I repeat IF both sets of batteries have been properly isolated and both show signs of undercharging I suspect your charging system ie alternator, battery charger etc. is at fault. Of course (assuming your battery selector is wired properly) checking all battery connections and particularly the grounds (including for your stereo) would be my first item of action.

  • brandonmayberrybrandonmayberry Member Posts: 226 ✭✭
    There is a selector switch for the batteries. 1, 2, and both. I use 1 to start and drive and 2 when sitting. When cruising the volts show around 13 i guess but thats at full crusing speed around 4000rpm. When idleing its hardly above 12 and when then engine goes off its below 12. I just replaced the alternator last season when i got the boat. I did notice however the pulley was slightly smaller than the one that was on the old alternator but that shouldnt make it charge less, rather faster i would think but i may be wrong.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well that rules out the alternator and probably the diodes. You have checked all of the respective grounds? Next, are you sure of the integrity of the batteries? One low battery in each bank can draw down both. I'll check around with some friends and the guys on this forum will surely comment but I think you should be charging at higher than 12v at idle????? I have a somewhat different engine management system but my alternators put out 38 amps at idle - so I show 13.6 v charging all the way from idle (660rpm) to normal cruising (3400rpm).
  • brandonmayberrybrandonmayberry Member Posts: 226 ✭✭
    edited August 2015
    engine running at idle shows 13.00vdc. I just hooked the Rinda to it.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That seems fine. What about your battery charger - is it charging while the boat is in its slip? Have you checked your batteries with a load test on a meter?
  • brandonmayberrybrandonmayberry Member Posts: 226 ✭✭
    Boats always on the charger when not being used. I have not checked with a meter thou not have I had the batteries load tested. That will be my next step I guess. Michael T, I wanna say thank you for all the help and taking the time to respond here and on my other thread, you have been very helpful and I appreciate it! 
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Brandon it is my pleasure and the least I can do to pay back all of the great guys who have helped me over the years, friends, dads and the great guys on this forum!
  • brandonmayberrybrandonmayberry Member Posts: 226 ✭✭
    Ok, so i hooked the Rinda DIacom back to it and measured when i use the trim tabs as those seem to be the worst. While hooked to Shorepower using the tabs draw me from 13.1 all the way down to 12.6 so they use .5 power just on their own without stereo, blower or anything else going. Is this normal?
  • planesailingplanesailing Member Posts: 173 ✭✭
    Don't trust the voltage meter on a 242! I had or at least I thought I had the same problem on my 242 so I decided to hook up a meter to check my actual voltage. My voltage meter at the helm under reads by about 0.5 volts and actually shows similar readings to yours. My trim tabs also look like they draw the most power behind the blower.
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,093 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't trust the voltage meter on a 242! I had or at least I thought I had the same problem on my 242 so I decided to hook up a meter to check my actual voltage. My voltage meter at the helm under reads by about 0.5 volts and actually shows similar readings to yours. My trim tabs also look like they draw the most power behind the blower.

    X2 on my 242
    2008 330EC
  • brandonmayberrybrandonmayberry Member Posts: 226 ✭✭
    Well two of my batteries died on my over the holiday weekend. Luckily i had another 2 that i was able to rely on. I have replaced then and plan to get the boat back to the lake soon to see if maybe old dead batteries were the issue.
  • howardramshowardrams Member Posts: 223 ✭✭✭
    Even with their built in fans and cooling fins most audio power amps have protection mode built in so they shut down when they get too hot, and come on when they cool a little, but I'd expect that to take a few minutes to reset automatically. If your power settings are high to drive a big sub woofer, and you are at a high volume on a 90 degree day going into protection mode is pretty common.  They need to be located somewhere air can get to them at least a little.  I doubt if the other accessories being used has anything to do with it, or breakers would be tripping. 
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