Galley faucet mod - no more slippery faucet knobs

I found a $2 mod that makes the galley faucet in my 370 easier to use and less frustrating. Thought I'd share.
Problem: the faucet knobs are too darned slippery! Once I turn off the water, if I get even the slightest trace of soap or food grease on my fingers, I can't turn the water back on to rinse. The knobs are super-smooth metal cylinders with no knurling or other features to grip:

I am the vessel's lead galley slave, so this problem annoys and frustrates me. Usually, I have to grab a paper towel and wipe the soap off my fingers. Or, I just leave the water running. No more -- I found a better solution.
I got some rubber O-rings and rolled them onto the knobs. Problem solved! Now they are easy to grip with soapy fingers, and the black rubber provides a nice accent that looks like an OEM faucet. Total cost: $2.27 for a pack of ten O-rings (enough for the galley and head faucets). Two minutes to install.
I got some rubber O-rings and rolled them onto the knobs. Problem solved! Now they are easy to grip with soapy fingers, and the black rubber provides a nice accent that looks like an OEM faucet. Total cost: $2.27 for a pack of ten O-rings (enough for the galley and head faucets). Two minutes to install.

These are #18 O-rings: 1-3/16" outer diameter, 15/16" inner diameter, 1/8" thickness. They are tight enough that I think they'll stay put. They are available from any hardware store in the faucet repair section. There are other variations of how to install them, such as:

I think it would work just as well with a single O-ring instead of two.

I think it would work just as well with a single O-ring instead of two.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Maybe these for Red?? ID looks correct. (EDIT: ooops, guess ID is a bit off)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
This link should bring up a list of "size 213" o-rings:,n:!16310161,n:3021479011,n:16413421,n:16413611,p_11:213&bbn=16413611&ie=UTF8&qid=1457954247&rnid=3545063011
Options include black, blue, red and "translucent." The minimum quantity for blue is 25. I'm getting 25 red and 25 blue, total cost $25 + shipping.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Here's the red, pack of 5:
Here's the blue, pack of 25:
I'm not sure I like that particular shade of blue, but we'll see. The colors are industry-standard for particular materials (silicon is reddish, fluorosilicone is blue, etc.). Custom colors seem to be available only in large quantities (as you found out).
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
They are definitely a snug fit. If anything, they might be just slightly too small. Gotta wonder if they will crack over time like the black rubber ones did. We'll see. @Dream_Inn and I will be the beta testers.